Upgrading Vintage Tower Speakers Part 1: Refinishing

I go thrift shopping for electronics quite often. Where I am, finding any good electronics will be a challenge. But when you hit it big, it's REALLY big. An example are these Realistic Optimus T-200's which were only 15 dollars! I had no idea if they worked at all outside of the condition of the speakers, but at that price I'd still be getting some really cool cabinets for cheap. I'll delve into the electronics in a future post, as we are going to sort out their condition first. They do have a bit of wear and tear from wherever they were before. The veneer is worn the most on top, where possibly a plant pot sat and etched a ring into the surface. The sides are also a bit faded but still not bad. The acoustic fabric is quite nasty though, being off-brown stained and lint-speckled. My goal with this is to make the cabinets look snazzier and sleek. I will be using these in my room as home theater speakers, so I would prefer they didn't stick out like a sor...